Re: UUIDs (and devfs and major/minor numbers)

Guest section DW (
Mon, 21 Jun 1999 13:04:44 +0200 (MET DST)

From: Paul Jakma <>

Linux currently doesn't any mechanism for attaching labels
to volumes, which imo would be the cleanest way.

{a verb is missing; have? use? support?}

There is a way to recognize hardware disks
(by serial number), and there is a way to
recognize filesystems (by label or UUID).

A typical action done to a filesystem is mounting it,
and the mount program accepts label or UUID on the
command line or in /etc/fstab.
The label of an ext2 filesystem is shown or changed
using the e2label utility.
(Also cfdisk will show filesystem labels.)
The UUID of an ext2 filesystem is shown or changed
using the tune2fs utility.

{Another typical action done to a filesystem is checking it.
I have submitted patches for e2fsck to tytso. Maybe e2fsck
will also learn to understand labels.}

A typical action done to a disk is to partition it.
A typical action done to a partition is to make a filesystem on it.
Apart from filesystem labels one might wish for partition labels
and disk labels. Such things are not impossible, but today there
is no support, I think.


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