2.3.7-10: PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller

Tim Waugh (tim@cyberelk.demon.co.uk)
Sun, 20 Jun 1999 17:19:39 +0100 (GMT)

I got this message when booting 2.3.7-pre10 (I haven't been booting many
2.3 kernels recently, so it's probably been there for a while):

PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device 78, VID=1106, DID=0561

The relevant chip on the motherboard says:


include/linux/pci.h says that 1106/0561 is a VIA 82C561.

I guess we need a line in drivers/block/ide-pci.c for this, but I don't
know what all the fields of an ide_pci_device_t mean, or how to find out
what they should be. I'd be glad to help out.


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