Re: Microsoft IP-stack ?!

Chris Adams (
18 Jun 1999 15:15:30 -0500

Once upon a time, Peter Enderborg <> said:
>This looks very odd to me:
>[root@pescadero etc]# /home/pme/queso-980903/queso
> * Linux 2.1.xx
>[root@pescadero etc]#
>I guess that they run windows-2000 on the beta site, and then I guess is
>that they
>have stolen IP-code from Linux. Im right, yes ?!

Probably not. If you connect to the NNTP port, you get

200 InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.2 21-Jan-1999 ready (posting ok).

INN 2.2 doesn't run under Windows, so this is probably a Linux box.

Chris Adams <> - System Administrator
Renaissance Internet Services - IBS Interactive, Inc.
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I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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