Re: Oops assist... [Solution + Patch]

Michael B. Trausch (
Thu, 6 May 1999 14:43:26 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 6 May 1999, Philip Gladstone wrote:
PG>For all I know, you can hide data on a VGA card -- who knows if they
PG>clear out all the memory on a reset!!

I've done this before... the only problem with it is exactly HOW to
implement it for each card out there... and through the Linux kernel. And
it depends on what video modes are in use, how much RAM the card has, etc.

Michael B. Trausch
President of Linux Operations, ADK Computers
ADK Computers, Walbridge Office Phone: 419.838.8104
5375 Keller Road Main Office: 419.882.7435
Walbridge, OH 43465 E-Mail:
Thursday, May 06, 1999
Variables won't; constants aren't.

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