incoherence in tcp_input.c#tcp_fast_retrans

Florent Villard (
Thu, 6 May 1999 12:00:35 +0200

It seems to me that there is a little mistake after 3 dup Ack received, the
slow start treshold is set to :

tp->snd_ssthresh = max(min(tp->snd_wnd, tp->snd_cwnd) >> 1, 2);

But snd_wnd is expressed in bytes and snd_cwnd in segments (the RFC prones cwnd
implemented in bytes, but linux implementation is different).

So the min is not correct, the right way to to this would be to divide the
snd_cnd by the MSS or something like that, but a bit difficult.

So as the tp->snd_wnd value is not in the right unit, maybe

max(tp->snd_cwnd >> 1, 2)

would be sufficient, waiting for a better solution.


Warly --

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