Latest raid is working great, but NFS is very unstable

Ramana Juvvadi (
05 May 1999 13:32:34 -0400

distribution --> Redhat 5.2

kernel --> 2.2.6 + raid-0421199 patches, SMP enabled

Hardware --> Dell 2300, dual pentium II, 8 SCSI disks hanging off of
Adaptec 7890 controller on the motherboard

After subjecting the raid to my own testing, and hearing positive
comments from others I moved to this kernel. The machine is being used
as the central file server for Solaris and Linux clients. I have no
problem with raid, but NFS is not able to stay up more than
2 to 3 hours. Right now, I am running a small shell script which restarts
the NFS when it dies.

I tried the knfsd-1.2.2a, but it kept freezing the kernel. So I had to
move to the old userland NFS.

(1) Now that the raid code is reasonably stable,
are there any plans to move the raid patches to
move into the official kernel real soon ( 2.2.8 or 2.2.9 let us say)

(2) My experience with knfsd is contrary to what I heard from others
on the net. Could it be due to SMP?

There is pressure on me to move the NFS server to Solaris, perhaps
for a very good reason. I would appreciate any coments.


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