Re: /proc/cpuinfo wrong for Intel 486SX-33!!

Marek Habersack (
Tue, 4 May 1999 19:00:42 +0200

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* Dominik Kubla said:

> > we knew for sure that only Intel's 486 didn't have cpuid we could defau=
> > to the "GenuineIntel" string, yet I think AMD also made some 486 without
> > cpuid. Anybody who knows 486 lore around?=20
> Look at There is a rather complete code base on how to
> distinguish early x86 CPU's depending on what bugs and/or undocumented
> features are present. The code is even capable of distingusishing between
> 80(1)86 and 80(1)88 by doing tricks with the prefetch queue, also that has
> (at least at the moment) little pertinence in the context of running Linu=
There's also another way to detect the early CPUs from Intel and other
vendors. Every CPU from i386 up has so called model mask which is put in the
DX register after the powerup or reset. The mask uniquely determines the
model of quite a number of processors for which the value is known. The CPU
could be detected by performing a software reset while still in the real
mode, I guess it would work in Linux.=20
Attached to this message you will find an assembler code snippet which does
just that - see comments at the top of the code. The .asm file was floating
around the Fido assembler echo several years ago. I fortunately saved it on
a CD and here it is :))) - I hope someone will find it useful :)))


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="cpures.asm"

;cpures.asm - author unknown. Identifies a CPU by it's mask number.

comment */

The mask revision number indicates the version of the CPU that you have.
As soon as any 386 or later CPU is started up (or reset), its DX register
contains a value indicating which family and which revision of processors
it is a member of. The first byte is the CPU family, and the second byte
is the CPU family revision number.

These are some other family numbers:

CPU family
386DX 03
386SX 23
386SL 43
386SLC (IBM) A3
486DX 04
486DX2 04
486SX 04
Pentium 0C

The Cyrix, AMD, and C&T clone CPUs also conform to this numbering
system. You normally don't care too much about the family number, just
the revision number, to see if you have the latest update.

This list was found in the german computer magazine C'T 9/1992,page 156
The MaskNumber is located in the (E)DX Register after a CPU reset.
This may not work on PS/2 Systems.

CPU MaskNumber
Intel 386SX 0x2305
Intel 386SL 0x4303
Intel 386DX 0x0303/5/8
Intel 486SX 0x0420
Intel 486SX-33 0x0423 as reported by Mike Sparks
Intel 486DX 0x0403
Intel 486DX-25 0x0435 as reported by Mike Sparks
Intel 486DX-33 0x0404 as reported by Jeff Dunlop
Intel 486DX-50 0x0411
Intel 486DX-50 0x0413 as reported by Michael Dehlwes
Intel 486DX2 0x0432/3
Intel RapidCAD 0x0340
Intel 487SX 0x0420
Intel Overdrive SX 0x0432
Intel Overdrive DX 0x0432
Intel Pentium-66 0x0CF8 as reported by Mark Thatcher

AMD 386SXL 0x2305
AMD 386DX 0x0308
AMD 486DX-40 0x0412 as reported by Michael Dehlwes
AMD 486DX2-80 0x0432 as reported by Mark Cassino
AMD 486DX2-66 0x0432 as reported by Yousuf Kahn

Cyrix 486SLC 0x0410
Cyrix 486DLC 0x0420

C&T 38600SX 0x0300
C&T 38605SX 0x0300
C&T 38600DX 0x0300
C&T 38605DX 0x0300

IBM 386SLC 0xA301


cseg segment
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg
org 0100h

main: smsw ax ;get machine status
test ax,1 ;test if protected mode
jz ok ;jump if not
lea dx,abort ;offset abortmesg
mov ah,09 ;function number
int 21h ;dos call
mov ax,4c01h ;programm terminate
int 21h ;dos call
abort db 10,13
db "cpures : cannot run because the cpu"
db " is already in protected mode.$"
cli ;no interrupts
mov cs:_sp,sp ;save sp
mov cs:_ss,ss ;save ss
mov cs:_ds,ds ;save ds
sti ;enable interrupts
mov al,8fh ;CMOS addr 0fh ; disable NMI (bit 7 set)
out 70h,al ;CMOS addr select
jmp $+2 ;delay for io
mov al,0ah ;shutdown value (0ah)
out 71h,al ;write CMOS
mov ax,40h ;BIOS data segment
mov es,ax ;set es
mov word ptr es:[67h],offset hopp ;set shutdown offset
mov word ptr es:[69h],cs ;set shutdown segment
mov al,0feh ;value for keyb.controller
out 64h,al ;pulse cpu reset

;should never reach this far.
lea dx,badmsg ;offset badmsg
mov ah,09 ;function number
int 21h ;dos call
mov ax,4C00h ;function number
int 21h ;terminate program

hopp: cli ;shutdown entry addr
mov sp,cs:_sp ;load sp
mov ss,cs:_ss ;load ss
mov ds,cs:_ds ;load ds
mov ax,dx ;get cpu MaskNumber (stored in dx after reset)
push ax ;save cpuid
lea dx,okmesg ;offset okmesg
mov ah,09 ;function number
int 21h ;dos call
pop ax ;get cpuid
sti ;enable interrupts
bin2he: ;convert cpuid to hex and display.
mov cx,4 ;4 hex digits
mov bx,10h ;divisor
bin2h1: xor dx,dx ;zero DX for 16 bit divide
div bx ;leaves quotient in AX
add dl,'0' ;convert remainder to ASCII
cmp dl,'9'
jna bin2h2
add dl,'A'-'9'-1
bin2h2: push dx ;put on stack
loop bin2h1 ;repeat
mov cx,4
bin2h3: pop ax ;pop most significant digit first
mov ah,0Eh
mov bx,07h ;color byte
int 10h ;print to screen
loop bin2h3
mov ax,4C00h ;function number
int 21h ;terminate program

_sp dw 0 ;
_ss dw 0 ;
_ds dw 0 ;
okmesg db 10,13 ;
db "cpures : cpu identified as $"
badmsg db 10,13
db "cpures : 8042 failed to reset CPU$"
cseg ends
end main


Content-Type: application/pgp-signature

Version: 2.6.3ia



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