xconfig ergonomics

Dave Morrison (dave@bnl.gov)
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 14:52:02 -0400

I use 'make xconfig' to configure the kernel and I like it - with one very minor
gripe. There comes a point when I'd just like to jet quickly through several of
the configuration submenus, and that starts me on a flurry of mousing about to
find those "Next" or "Prev" buttons down at the ever changing bottom of the
submenu windows. Here's a one liner to relocate those buttons to the top of the
window and turn off the fill in the x dimension so they move about a bit less.
There are probably other ways of achieving the same effect that have better
aesthetics, but this gets the job done.


*** linux-2.2.3/scripts/tkgen.c Mon Feb 1 15:03:19 1999
--- linux/scripts/tkgen.c Thu Apr 29 14:45:27 1999
*** 140,146 ****
if ( menu_num == 1 )
printf( "\t$w.f.prev configure -state disabled\n" );
printf( "\tpack $w.f.back $w.f.next $w.f.prev -side left -expand on\n" );
! printf( "\tpack $w.f -pady 10 -side bottom -anchor w -fill x\n" );

* Lines between canvas and other areas of the window.
--- 140,146 ----
if ( menu_num == 1 )
printf( "\t$w.f.prev configure -state disabled\n" );
printf( "\tpack $w.f.back $w.f.next $w.f.prev -side left -expand on\n" );
! printf( "\tpack $w.f -pady 10 -side top -anchor w\n" );

* Lines between canvas and other areas of the window.

David Morrison  Brookhaven National Laboratory  phone: 516-344-5840
                Physics Department, Bldg 510 C    fax: 516-344-3253
		          Upton, NY 11973-5000  email: dave@bnl.gov

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