Re: NFSv3 client: new version of 'mount' utility, and discussion of plans

Trond Myklebust (
Sun, 25 Apr 1999 19:25:19 +0200 (CEST)


A new version of the mount patch (version 0.2) for NFSv3 has been
written, in order to address a few bugs.
RPMS and the patch against mount-2.9 can be found under


NB: This special version of mount assumes that all linux-2.2.6 and
greater versions are capable of NFSv3.

Do NOT install it on machines that are to run linux-2.2.6 or greater
without the NFSv3 patches, or you will see the message:

nfs warning: mount version newer than kernel

The automatic detection of NFSv3 capabilities on the server will cause
your mount to fail in this case...


>>>>> "PB" == Peter Benie <> writes:

>> Mount utility =============
>> The new version will automatically select NFSv3 if the server
>> advertises it on the portmapper.

PB> There is a potential problem for those using background mounts
PB> (not me). If the client and server are rebooted together
PB> (eg. after a power cut), the portmapper may not be running or
PB> nfsd might not have started, so pmap_getports returns NULL. In
PB> this situation, mount selects its default - NFS version 2,
PB> instead of polling the portmapper.

I've moved the polling to the 'bg' loop, so this should now hopefully
work as expected.

>>>>> "JY" == James Yarbrough <> writes:

JY> There are two bugs in the nfs3 mount command from
JY> mount-2.9-0.1.i386.rpm:

JY> 1) The mount version to be used is dependent upon the nfs
JY> version used. The code currently looks for the
JY> highest nfs version and the highest mount version
JY> supported by the server. This works until a server
JY> is encountered where something has happened to
JY> cause the mount version 3 registration to
JY> disappear. For such a server, mount version 1 or 2
JY> will be used for the nfs3 mount.
JY> 2) nfsmount.c looks up the mount program port number for the
JY> protocol being used for nfs (udp by default). It
JY> then tries to use that port for TCP communication.
JY> This does not always work and tends to fail in
JY> clnt_call rather than clnttcp_create, causing the
JY> entire mount to fail.

JY> The first of these is rather minor, but the second prevents
JY> mount on the Linux client from working with the SGI servers
JY> I've been using.

The polling now checks only the mount version number, and assumes that
any server advertising version 3 of the mountd RPC protocol supports
NFS v3.

In addition, we now try to match the mountd port to the TCP/IP

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