Re: OT: multithreaded web server implementation (Re: Linus on

Alex Belits (
Sat, 24 Apr 1999 05:32:57 -0700 (PDT)

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, Olaf Titz wrote:

> You can even have multiple queues this way: specialized worker threads
> either for request types (file/CGI/servlet/etc) or for virtual hosts.
> Would perhaps need some research whether it is better to handle just a
> FD or a preparsed request line to the worker threads. In any case,
> threads use shared memory, so you don't really pass down the stuff
> any sort of pipe.

This model, but with processes instead of threads, is used in fhttpd.
Requests are preparsed in the main process because otherwise specialized
"worker" processes can't be chosen before passing fd.


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