Re: GNU/Linux

Marc Espie (
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 17:27:04 +0200

In article <> you write:
>When talking about a Linux-based version of the GNU operating system,
>it's only fair to use GNU in the name. It's not a legal requirement;
>unlike the BSD developers, I'm not trying to force you. I'm asking
>you to do it voluntarily.

[Sarcasm] Gee, sure, the GPL is much `freer' than BSD-like licences.
Depends what signification of `free' you choose to take.

The obligation to mention original developpers name is the only constraint
that BSD-like license forces on you... and not all of them at that.

... whereas the GPL has no constraints at all, that's well known. For
instance, I can take GPL code, do whatever I want with it, and redistribute
it whichever way I want, sure.

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