showmount -a timing out

Thierry Danis (
Fri, 9 Apr 1999 16:15:25 +0200


I have two problems with knfsd 1.2 (not yet tried 1.2.2).

1) showmount -a seems not to reflect the current status of
the mounting points. In fact, it shows much more machines
mounting the local partitions than there really are.

When I look in the log file (/var/log/messages) I can
see the unmount traces generated by mountd, but they are
reflected via the showmount -a command.

2) as a result, rpc.kstatd (upon restart) takes a really
long time to notify its potential clients (around 10 minutes)
(~ 150 entries reported by showmount -a before the shutdown).

3) the combination of a local ypserver and kmountd is not a very
happy one. The NFS server beeing bound (ypbind) to itself,
ypserv and rpc.kmountd tend to loop frequently for a long
time without answering when trying to authenticate a mount
request. That usualy results in the mount request timing out
(the long time can be 1, 2 or 3 minutes).

I can achieve the same thing when issuing the showmount -a
command (sometimes, not always).

	Thierry Danis
	Poste : 53 53

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