Re: caps in elf headers: use the sticky bit!

Al Lipscomb (
Mon, 12 Apr 1999 10:50:33 -0400 (EDT)

Putting caps in the file system allows you to set programs to whatever
caps you want, but what about granting a user special caps? For
example you have an account that you want to be able to read any file in
order to perform backups. You do not want to bless tar, cpio etc. You want
the processes the user runs to have the power, no matter what they are.

I wonder if you could have a daemon (capsd?) that could hand out the caps
afer a call. By convention programs would make a call to the daemon and if
required obtain the required powers.

In a very simple example you would have a file called /etc/caps.conf that
would have the user/file information:


root would be all powerful. backup could poke around and such. joe could
create users, set passwords and other things of that nature.

A simple way to invoke the caps would be to say:

/sbin/caps /bin/tar

Later on, programs that needed it could be rewritted (or a patch to the
libraries made) to call capsd at startup.

Standard backups work and since a program moved from host x to host y
would not have any special powers due to whats in its header.A

Just a thought.

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