Re: Scheduler, Classifier
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 19:18:15 +0400 (MSK DST)


> I want some detailed notes on the way this goes. Where should I start?
> I want to know how the kernel interacts with the parameters given by the
> user and how to make those classifier and schedulers work?

Just get linux rsvpd backend from Seems, it contains all the
code necessary to handle YESSIR reservations.

> thought after reading 'Stephen Shah' thesis. Please suggest if I am in the
> wrong track or if I miss something.

You are on right way 8)

Only I am afraid YESSIR is not a good choice. Its only advantage
as claimed by authors is "simplicity". Seems, this simplicity exists only
in their mind; when YESSIR specs will describe all that is planned
by authors, they will be parallel to rsvp.

Look, the whole rsvp message may be distributed not via rsvp,
but attached to RTCP messages. Call this YES-RSVP and you may reuse
all the code already written at ISI. Well, the only question is
why to use RTCP then, if it gives no advantages comparing to RSVP.

Alexey Kuznetsov

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