Re: ext3 to include capabilities?

Albert D. Cahalan (
Thu, 8 Apr 1999 20:54:57 -0400 (EDT)

Andreas Siegert writes:
> Quoting Albert D. Cahalan (

>> I'm still waiting for a filesystem-based proposal that works with NFS.
> Capabilities are there to increase security. Anyone who seriously
> wants security will not use NFS.

I keep hearing this without a reason. Assuming you filter incoming
packets and don't allow random insecure machines on your network,
just how is NFS insecure? You'd have to attack it with some kind of
multi-machine hard link race condition I think. (but inode generation
numbers might seal that too)

> Breaking other tools like tar and friends I see as a serious issue,
> but NFS, never. But when introducing capabilities and ACLs one will
> need new archival programs that take care of them anyway. Anything
> that does not support them directly will probably end up as a tool
> to break them.

With ACLs, stuff does break a bit.

Capabilities are no problem though, as long as you keep them out of
the filesystem. The executable header method won't break with tar.

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