Speed up Development cycle!! Linux under SimOS

Rayson Ho (ut_bookstore@yahoo.com)
Thu, 8 Apr 1999 16:56:08 -0700 (PDT)

Is anyone using a machine simulator on Linux?

A machine simulator simulates the behaviour of a
machine, including CPU(s), memory, L1/2/3 caches,
buses, and other hardware devices. I think it helps if
we can run Linux under such a simulator. We can find
out where the kernel is spending most of the time
waiting, etc. Moreover, we can find the behaviour of a
normal application, including the number of kernel
calls, network access pattern, memory access pattern,
cache miss, etc.

The only machine simulator that I know is the SimOS
and it is open source. Does anyone get it work under
Linux or moreover get Linux work under it? BTW, is
there another simulator available?

SimOS: simos.stanford.edu
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