Re: OFF TOPIC - ac version of kernels...
Thu, 08 Apr 1999 17:42:32 -0700

> Can anybody tell me what the ac version of the new kernels means? I'm
> currently running 2.2.5 and for whatever reason netscape seems to scroll
> slower than 2.0.34...I thought about upgrading further and I keep seeing
> ac appended some kernel versions. I've looked around (although I'm sure I
> didn't use the right keywords) and I can't find any info on what the ac
> is.

It is actually a power rating. The "ac" on the end denotes the variety of current used by the kernel. (The normal kernels run on "dc" current.) The reason that Netscape is scrolling slower is that your power supply is not able to keep up with the power requirements of the new kernel. Check for a leak in your power cable.

I hope that helps.

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