Re: [OFFTOPIC]: MS Porting Office to Linux?

Alex Buell (
Sun, 14 Mar 1999 11:54:51 +0000 (GMT)

On Sat, 13 Mar 1999, Mike A. Harris wrote:

> >BUt it *is* shared by the various programs in the distribution of that
> >specific package. That's not as good as using the default libc, but
> >still an improvement over static linking.
> Correct, however soffice binary is one app. They are not
> separate binaries anymore with 5.0. So that advantage is nil.

I'm beginning to understand why StarOffice is currently distributed in the
format it is in. Static linking of a commercial binary to LGPL'd libraries
isn't allowed.

Rats. A statically linked binary would have solved all our problems.


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