Re: [OFFTOPIC]: MS Porting Office to Linux?

Turbo Fredriksson (
12 Mar 1999 19:03:22 +0100

>>>>> "Nomad" == Nomad the Wanderer <> writes:

Nomad> Is there a new ApplixWARE that'll read/write the new
Nomad> formats in Office 97?

According to all the comersials, yes... I only have version 4.2,
but if memory servers correctly, there's a 4.4.1 out (and a demo
can be found at

Exists for PowerPC, Alpha and i386 ... No m68k it seems though.. :(

I seriously recomend to try it out... It's only $99 US... That's
_CHEAP_ for the advanced features it sports... I love it, and use
it as main Office suit... It's a ____LOOOT___ better and faster
(and a loot more stable) than StarOffice!!!

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