Re: Problems with ATA FLASH MEMORY

Alan Cox (
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 18:48:59 +0000 (GMT)

> Im trying to install linux in an ATA Flash Memory Card from Hitachi.

Ah ...

> In DOS mode, this card works like an IDE HDD but the same doesnt
> happens with linux. While DOS fdisk works fine, linux fdisk returns
> the following errors when trying to write the partition table:
> Re-reading the partition table
> hda hdb ..
> hda:drive_cmd:status=0x51 {DriveReadt SeekComplete Error}
> hda:drive_cmd:error=0x04 {DriveStatusError}
> The partition table is writen but mkswap returns the same errors!

So does mine. The error return is nonsensical too. As far as I can guess
the hitachi cards dont have a 512 byte block size, but I've yet to manage
to find out.

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