Re: SCSI access creating lost time

Alan Cox (
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 00:16:30 +0000 (GMT)

> Whether or not you can drop the lock is a card dependant issue. It's
> not possible to simply say "Drop the lock" in all cases as some of the
> card drivers have notes in there that they can't be interrupted in any

Ok obviously yes

> already deal with. Secondly, be prepared to experience weird things
> when dropping these locks. If you get things right then that's great,
> but if you don't it may not show up until you have two cards in the same
> machine that are active at the same time or other similar scenarios to
> force the possible newly introduced bug up to the front.

Ok I just wanted to be sure there wasnt some fundamental midlayer reason for
never dropping it. The right answer is to drop the midlayer, from a great
height, but thats 2.3 stuff. I realise that.


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