Re: 2.2.2: 2 thumbs up from lm
Sun, 28 Feb 1999 00:29:20 -0700 (MST)

> 2 is the "most is good enough" argument. Thats not generally coming from the
> 'if we miss the building blows up' department of real time computing but from
> the 'I dont want my MP3 files to jump' school - where perfection isnt the aim.
> I'm quite interested to see what can be done in #2 without getting to the point
> it complicates the kernel. But if you are controlling nuclear power stations
> stick to rtlinux because its much much safer.

If you are controlling nuclear power stations, software bugs are not your
only problem.

For #2, I think that something could be done something like this
Break the mp3 output into
Get a Mp3 block; break it into rt segments; send segments to device
The first two parts can run under standard linux. What would be nice
is a feature like:

launch_rtl(put_segment,rtfifo_mp3, blocksize,period);
break into segments and do whatever else preprocessing can be done
write to rtfifo /* this blocks when queu is too full */
} /* perhaps rtl_put_sound also causes this process to run at a
high priority when the queue is small or even dynamically
adjusts this process priority by queue size as in Synthesis */

Does this fit the MP3 problem?

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