Re: An idea from a lamer

Albert D. Cahalan (
Fri, 26 Feb 1999 23:13:18 -0500 (EST)

Tuomas Heino writes:

> I'm considering writing a getty replacement for this kind of thing...
> but a pure user-level solution looks to be near impossible (that is,
> insane waste of cpu & memory & too complex to implement...) as Linux has
> several "unsafe" escape sequences and ioctls (chvt, ...)
> That means I need to process every escape sequence instead of just the
> ones used to control this getty replacement thingie unless I tell the
> kernel to disable those unsafe things when the getty replacement is in use

You could use a pty and a /dev/vcs* device.

> Also the current model of running a getty for every tty is really stupid...
> The VT logins should be handled by one process

SysV does this.

init starts sac, the service access facility
sac starts ttymon when the system goes multiuser
ttymon monitors all ttys for usernames, then forks and execs login

You can get fairly detailed documentation for AIX, UnixWare, and Solaris
on the web, as well as the Unix98 standard.

> which'd allow spawning a
> new login shell with a single loadkeys-definable "key" for the current
> user, handle user session locking and so on... also the alt-fX (or
> Also we'd need some easy way to reset the keyboard mode from RAW to

Note that AIX has a SIGSAK signal. I think it is used for this purpose.

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