Kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs

Olniks Software Dept (
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 02:59:08 +0300

I tried to upgrade the linux kernel on my recovery diskette from 2.0.36
to 2.2.1.
The result is: Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 00:00.
I am using initrd image and loop device as root partition wich is
initializing by the following script:
loadlin kernel\zImage initrd=system\initrd
root=/dev/loop0 ro
in the initrd:
losetup /dev/loop0 /mnt/root_img

Everything was OK with the kernel 2.0.36.
I've upgraded all needed programs as stated in
/linux/Documentation/changes but still have the same situation.

Looking at Dejanews postings I see that many people ask this question
but nobody give real answer.

Is there any solution?

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