Re: Reproductible kernel crash (2.1.1)

Philippe Troin (
03 Feb 1999 20:48:40 -0800

Marc Heckmann <> writes:

> On 3 Feb 1999, Philippe Troin wrote:
> > Run the enclosed crashme program with a big number of concurrent
> > processes while doing a lot of inode access like in:
> >
> > $ crashme 10 &
> > $ while true; do find / > /dev/null; done &
> >
> > And you'll get:
> > 1) A lot of "Warning: dev (03:07) tty->count(0) != #fd's(2) in
> > do_tty_hangup"
> > 2) A few Warning: null TTY for (03:01) in tty_fasync
> > 3) And finally a couple of this oopses (or worse) (you might have to
> > wait a few minutes for these)
> >
> I wonder if this is the same bug that causes my machine (2.2.1 vanilla
> i586) to lock-up fatally while accessing floppys (not easily
> reproducable). It also died seriously while reading a large file off a
> ZIP-100 drive. I get no oops's however. The one thing the floppy lock ups
> and the ZIP locks up have in common is that they both were on msdos
> filesystems. It has happened while using mcopy too however.

Probably not. This thing happens only when there's both a lot of tty
open/close *and* a lot of inode accesses. I found it while running the
egcs testsuites, which use dejagnu, which uses expect, which does a
lot of pty manipulations :-)

I must say I'm pretty clueless on what's going on. Looks like a
locking issue to me. Again, it might be an SMP-only thing...


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