Linux Installation from Parallel Zip Drive

Eric C. Friedrich (
Mon, 1 Feb 1999 19:53:46 -0500 (EST)

I've been trying to install slackware linux from a zip disk onto an
old computer of mine. This computer is and old 386SX, with ESDI disk
interfaces. My ZIP Drive is the parallel port version. When I boot
with the iomega.s image, it doesnt detect the disk and returns "error 1".
I believe that if I can modify the boot disk to look at the correct parallel
port (0x3 instead of 0x378), I can use the Zip disk with the linux disk
sets on it to the new system. So my problem is modifying the boot disk
image to look on 0x instead of 0x378. Can anyone offer some advice on
how to do that, or if a to rebuilding of the kernel is needed, how to
do that so it would be like the iomega.s disk but with the parallel port on
the ppa driver changed.

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