Re: Open by inode? (was Re: knfsd)

Pavel Machek (
Mon, 4 Jan 1999 10:40:40 +0100


> Is this really necessary?
> I've always found UNFSD quite good and featureful, and I find the way it
> resolves permissions based on path names very useful. (A feature KNFSD
> does not have).
> I thought the only downside to UNFSD was it's lack of threading, making
> it slow for heavy use. A clone based version would fix this, no?

I was horrified when I found out that our pentium/100 server with 5
scsi disks gives only 300K/sec with unfsd.... :-(.


PS: I like unfsd for other purposes: Like making file ungzipping
transparent :-).

The best software in life is free (not shareware)!		Pavel
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