DTC 3181x solution

Vasile Gaburici (gaburici@fx.ro)
Sun, 3 Jan 1999 15:32:38 +0200 (EET)

First I want to thank Alan Cox and Peter Adebahr for helping me
with this issue. I am posting this to both lists so people searching
for this in the future may have an easier job.

For the 2.0.3x series kernel a patch written by Ingmar Baumgart
and Ronald van Cuijlenborg adding support for this chip is available at
(you may have to dig into this page a bit):

This patch has been integrated into the 2.2 series kernel.

I had to modify drivers/scsi/Makefile to make it read:

g_NCR5380.o: g_NCR5380.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DGENERIC_NCR5380_OVERRIDE="{{(NCR5380_map_type)0xffff, \
-1,0, BOARD_DTC3181E}};" -c g_NCR5380.c

To load the module you need something like:

insmod g_NCR5380 ncr_irq=11 ncr_addr=0x240 dtc_3181e=1

Note that the irq is a do nothing option for the current version
of this driver. Using the SCSI bus will result in 100% CPU utilization.

Also note that NCR400a doesn't support the same ports as DTC3181x
but for the rest it seems similar. Thus, the auto detection may fail if
the port is not explicitly specified. Quote from generic_NCR5380_detect:

u_int ncr_53c400a_ports[] = {0x280, 0x290, 0x300, 0x310, 0x330,
0x340, 0x348, 0x350, 0};
u_int dtc_3181e_ports[] = {0x220, 0x240, 0x280, 0x2a0, 0x2c0,
0x300, 0x320, 0x340, 0};

Vasile Gaburici
Phone/Fax: +(40 1) 222 86 77
E-mail: gaburici@fx.ro

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