
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 03:44:18 +0100 (MET)

On ftp.win.tue.nl:/pub/linux/drivers/aha1542.c
there is a version of aha1542.c that survives
the bad tapes and CDROMs that I have here, while
2.0.36 and 2.1.132 do not.

It was tested with 2.1.132.

Note that Adaptec 1542 users have two quite independent
problems: (1) The driver didnt handle aborts and resets,
and (2) The driver uses the new scsi_error model.

The present source seems to solve (1) on my hardware.
[To be precise, aborts function well, bus device resets
seem to work but had very light testing, bus resets and
host resets have not been tested at all.]

People who have seen earlier posts by me will know that I
am extremely unhappy with scsi_error.c. It will convert a
busy machine serving twelve users into a piece of junk
that is dead for periods of 30 seconds. No one who needs a
reliable machine should use a SCSI controller that uses
scsi_error.c. (Maybe only aha1542.c, eata.c, u14-34f.c do.)
Nevertheless, I have not changed aha1542.c back to the old model
because the main point of this exercise was to make aborts work.

Comments are welcome - mail to aeb@cwi.nl and linux-scsi.
This driver is not meant for 2.2.0.


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