Re: /dev/one - why not /dev/repeat?

Greg Mildenhall (
Sun, 27 Dec 1998 15:41:31 +0800 (WST)

On Sat, 26 Dec 1998, Steve VanDevender wrote:
[ /dev/repeat should be implemented in userspace because, etc,etc,etc...]
> It's also going to be a
> lot shorter than a kernel device that has to maintain state for
> each process using it (assuming you could solve the hairy
> multi-user problems listed above), and your rather unusual
> application is the only thing to suffer any overhead from it,
> rather than asking all of us to take on the kernel bloat of this
> /dev/repeat driver just because _you_ think it's handy.

It's very easily modularizable, so noone will suffer bloat, except when
downloading an unnoticably bigger kernel tarball, and if Dave uses it for
the Linux Router Project, as he has implied, then hundreds (thousands?)
of people are going to benefit. If it is handy for what Dave is doing,
then there are good reasons to plonk such a module into the standard
sources, if only to easy recompilation for LRP users.

BUT - it's not handy for what Dave is doing, so the point is moot.
OK, I should rephrase that:
Dave has yet to convince anyone about, or sufficiently explain or
demonstrate the advantage he feels is there.

-Greg Mildenhall

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