sterlilize.c - fixed

Colin Plumb (
Tue, 22 Dec 1998 15:09:22 -0700 (MST)

* sterilize.c - by Colin Plumb.
* Version 1.01
* Do a secure overwrite of given files or devices, so that not even
* very expensive hardware probing can recover the data.
* For the theory behind this, see "Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic
* and Solid-State Memory", on line at
* Although this processs is also known as "wiping", I prefer the longer
* name both because I think it is more evocative of what is happening and
* because a longer name conveys a more appropriate sense of deliberateness.
* If asked to wipe a file, this also deletes it, renaming it to in a
* clever way to try to leave no trace of the original filename.
* Copyright 1997, 1998 Colin Plumb <>. This program may
* be freely distributed under the terms of the GNU, BSD or Artistic
* licenses. Even if you use the BSD license, which does not require it,
* I'd really like to get improvements back.
* The ISAAC code still bears some resemblance to the code written
* by Bob Jenkins, but he permits pretty unlimited use.
* This was inspired by a desire to improve on some code titled:
* Wipe V1.0-- Overwrite and delete files. S. 2/3/96
* but I've rewritten everything here so completely that no trace of
* the original remains.

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