Re: [OFFTOPIC] Re: Article: IBM wants to "clean up the license" of

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH (
Tue, 22 Dec 1998 20:45:06 -0500

In message <>, Bob Taylor
| ego trip on his part. While I have appreciated the *results* of the FSF
| efforts, I utterly *reject* their "ideology". I really do wish Stallman
| would shut up about an ideology the people of the world have rejected and
| has been proven to be a total failure.

Rot. I've had arguments with RMS about ideology in the past, but more about
methods than about goals. The ideology is far from a failure --- and Linux
itself is proof thereof. (Which is undoubtedly why RMS wants to make sure
the world knows it. Evidently you're one of those who needs the reminder.)

"Rome wasn't built in a day", and the current "order" of the software
industry can't be ripped apart and reassembled in a different fashion
overnight. It takes time and it takes the active cooperation of those
involved (and this is why Eric Raymond is just as important --- he has the
ability to make Free Software a goal they can accept, instead of a challenge
to their very existence. This is a matter of communication, not of
differences in goals) if it's to be done relatively painlessly.

brandon s. allbery	[os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator	     [WAY too many hats]
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering			 KF8NH
     We are Linux. Resistance is an indication that you missed the point.

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