Re: Debugging kernel
Sat, 19 Dec 1998 18:16:53 +0100

On Fri, Dec 18, 1998 at 09:15:51PM +0100, Johnny Teveßen wrote:

>> How can you be sure that the module doesn't leave accessed hardware (if it's
>> a driver) in an unusable state, or, leaves some other rubbish behind?
> You can't. But a module should at least reset *all* registers of a
> hardware component to default values (say: a defined state) before
> anything else.


(Just checking whether I'm understanding things :)

> Trust no-one.

"Beware of this code - I have proved it correct, but I haven't tested it!"
(-- Knuth?)

_ciao, Jens_______________________________
    cat /dev/boiler/water | tea | sieve > /cup
    mount -t hdev /dev/human/mouth01 /mouth ; cat /cup >/mouth/gulp

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