Re: Article: IBM wants to "clean up the license" of Linux

Stephen Williams (
Sun, 20 Dec 1998 23:55:16 -0800 said:
> Linus has given permission for third party modules that are not source
> to be distributed providing they use the existing modules apis. I've
> not seen a single binary only module thats actually remotely popular
> with its user base other than the commercial OSS sound modules.

It has been exceedingly difficult for me to make a binary RPM that included
a device driver module. I have no problem with distributing the source, but
I can't seem to find a reliable way to distribute a device driver to a
customer that would like a binary distribution.

Hell, I can't even make a Makefile that works in common cases. Sheesh!

Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.              But I have promises to keep,            and lines to code before I sleep,       And lines to code before I sleep."

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