Re: Perl kills NE2000: needs power-cycle or Microsoft to fix!?

Riley Williams (
Thu, 17 Dec 1998 20:20:52 +0000 (GMT)

Hi there.

>> I wrote about a weird situation where my ethernet died while
>> updating perl modules:

>>> Any suggestions on what I should do? The following possibilities
>>> come to mind:

>>> 1. Get the latest NE2000 driver and see if that helps.

>>> 2. Upgrade to 2.0.36 and see if that helps.

>> I upgraded to 2.0.36. I've since seen my ethernet drop dead at
>> least once, and possibly twice (I was at work, and the machine in
>> question is at home, and became unreachable today, but was back
>> when I checked an hour later. I can rule out ISP problems 'cause I
>> could reach other customers of my ISP who are using the same DSL
>> equipment as I at the ISP's end).

> I've seen this problem too with my NE2000 clone. I'm also running
> 2.0.36, and I also chalked it up to a bad card. Except, I replaced
> to old NE2000 clone with a new NE2000 clone. Same problem.
> Sometimes the ethernet connection just dies for no reason. Now,
> occasionally it will come back to life in a few seconds, but most
> of the time I need to completely reboot the system (a complete
> power down). I'm not a kernel hacker, so I have no idea what is
> causing the problem, but I thought I should let those who do hack
> know there is a problem on at least two computers here. :)

That has me wondering whether my problems are related...

In my case, my network card is an NE2000 clone as well, being an old
ISA-bus one at one end (set for 0x360 IRQ9) and a modern PCI-bus one
at the other (0xDF80 IRQ12). Here's the message I sent to Alan Cox a
week or so ago asking about it...

Best wishes from Riley.


>From Mon Dec 14 21:04:36 1998
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 09:47:35 +0000 (GMT)
From: Riley Williams <>
To: Alan Cox <>
Subject: Boot-time error messages

Hi Alan.

Recently, when I reboot my system, I see some error messages towards
the end of the boot procedure. I traced through the various scripts in
the /etc/rc.d tree and found the line causing the error, but would
appreciate advice on what needs doing about it.

For reference, the the boot messages are as follows, with the lines
beginning "DBG:" containing the commands causing the appearance of the
error messages in question after the shell has finished its expansion:

===8<=== CUT ===>8===
sysctl: ip forwarding off
Swansea University Computer Society IPX 0.34 for NET3.035
IPX Portions Copyright (c) 1995 Caldera, Inc.
G4KLX/GW4PTS AX.25 for Linux. Version 0.35 for Linux NET3.035 (Linux 2.0)
Appletalk 0.17 for Linux NET3.035
DBG: ifconfig lo netmask broadcast
SIOCSIFNETMASK: Invalid argument
SIOCSIFBRDCAST: Invalid argument
DBG: ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
SIOCSIFNETMASK: Invalid argument
SIOCSIFBRDCAST: Invalid argument
Mounting remote filesystems.
Starting system loggers: syslogd klogd
Starting at daemon: atd
Starting cron daemon: crond
===8<=== CUT ===>8===

At the stage the error messages appear, the script being executed is
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup if that helps.

System summary: P166, 128M RAM, RedHat 5.0 upgraded to 5.1, kernel
2.0.36, glibc-2.0.7-19.i386.rpm, and the command "ifconfig --version"
returns the following text:

Q> net-tools 1.47
Q> ifconfig 1.36 (1998-10-31)

Anything else needed can be advised.

Best wishes from Riley.

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