RE: swap cache

Matthew Kirkwood (
Thu, 17 Dec 1998 16:36:19 +0000 (GMT)

On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Tony Hoyle wrote:

> > Linux supports such easily enough; create a ramdisk, create a swapfile
> > on the ramdisk, and then activate it.
> Is it me or is this the most singularly silly idea ever....

In general, yes.

> RAM runs short, so the system starts swapping bits of itself out to RAM
> to free more RAM up.

In the old days of Windog 3.1, you /could/ actually improve performance
on a 6Mb 486 [1] by putting a 4Mb swapfile on a doublespaced 2Mb RAM disk.

I believe that there were compressed swap patches available at one time,


[1] 386s didn't have quite enough CPU to make this worthwhile.

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