Re: process checkpointing

Riley Williams (
Wed, 16 Dec 1998 12:13:18 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Oren.

>>> are there any patches to support process checkpointin on x86 ?

>> I'm currently working on this, but I have virtually nothing
>> written yet. Since you mention it, I'll take this opporunity to
>> seek input from the restof the community.

===8<=== CUT ===>8===

> BTW, checkpointing of a single process (unlike a bunch of
> collaborating processes) can be evidently done (see above) entirely
> in user-space.

Does this include all children of the specified process? If so, that
essentially covers all cases since any pipeline can be turned into a
shell script, and the resulting shell script then just becomes a
process with children...

Best wishes from Riley.

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