Re: NFS in 2.1.130??

David Woodhouse (
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 15:59:12 +0000 said:
> You can use NFS for emails without any problems at all -- you just
> need a better file format. "Maildir" works nicely, is well-documented,
> and is supported by mutt (which is all that matters to me ;-).

Apart from the fact that new files can take a whole minute to show up on the

Try it - 'watch -n 1 ls -l' in an NFS-mounted directory, then log in to the
server, touch a new file and see how long it takes to notice its arrival.

I run wmmail on the NFS server, and exmh on the workstation - I get bitten by
this almost every time new mail arrives - I see wmmail flash, get exmh to
recheck the inbox, but it still doesn't see the new mail.

This one also stopped me from editing code on one machine, but compiling it on

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David Woodhouse Office: (+44) 1223 810302
Project Leader, Process Information Systems Mobile: (+44) 976 658355
Axiom (Cambridge) Ltd., Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridge, CB5 0NA, UK.
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