Re: 2.0.36's "make menuconfig" broken on my system

Anthony Barbachan (
Fri, 27 Nov 1998 05:07:44 -0500

-----Original Message-----
From: Riley Williams <>
To: Anthony Barbachan <>
Cc: Linux Kernel <>
Date: Thursday, November 26, 1998 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: 2.0.36's "make menuconfig" broken on my system

>Hi Anthony.
> >>>> My experience has been that "make menuconfig" does NOT work
> >>>> under X-Windows in an xterm - basically, the main menu gets
> >>>> mangled into a semi-unreadable state when first loaded, and when
> >>>> a submenu is selected, it's drawn on top of the main menu
> >>>> without cxlearing the screen first, then when one goes back to
> >>>> the main menu, that gets drawn on top of the result...
> >>> This isn't the same problem that I have been having with 2.0.36.
> >>> BTW, any news on a resolution to this bug yet?
> >> This bug has been fixed somewhere in the patches between 2.0.35
> >> and 2.0.36, I'm glad to report - "make menuconfig" works fine
> >> under 2.0.36.
> > The bug hasn't been fixed for me. In fact make menuconfig breaks
> > on my system. All previous 2.0.x kernels' make menuconfig work
> > fine. I suspect the breaking may be occuring when using ncurses
> > 4.2.
>I can't comment on the bug you're experiencing since I've no idea what
>it is. All I can report is that the bug that I was experiencing no
>longer exists, and I have no problem using "make menuconfig" from an
>xterm on my system, as stated above...
>If you'd care to describe your setup, I can compare it to mine, and
>that should cut out a few variables - anything (outside the kernel
>itself) that we have in common is unlikely to be where the problem


Well this problem is sort of solved now. I recently got my Slackware
3.6 update and started setting up my new system. I've done all the updates
necesary to have the system mirror the software upgrades that I did to my
Slackware 3.5 system, including upgrading ncurses to 4.2. Originally I just
compiled the "make menuconfig" using the default ncurses 1.9.9g and found no
problem in the displaying of the console based menu configuration program.
After upgrading to ncurses 4.2 and trying to compile from scratch the
problem didn't return (on the new system). The only difference between the
systems that I can currently think about (that could affect "make
menuconfig") is that on my Slackware 3.5 system I had configured ncurses 4.2
to included support for gpm (Though I haven't seen any ncurses-only programs
actually use this); on my new installation I decided against that as I saw
no point in including gpm. The other difference is that on my Slackware 3.5
system I compiled virtually all package upgrades using gcc v2.8.1 while only
my new system I decided to start using the Pentium-optimizing version of
egcs v1.1b and optimized for maximum performance. However the kernel
continued to be compiled using gcc on both systems. Unless some
other library other than ncurses is used to build the "make menuconfig"
program I do not see anything else that could have affected the resulting
"make menuconfig" program on my old system.

Thanks for your help.

>Best wishes from Riley.

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