Re: [OFFTOPIC INFO REQUEST] Kernel Optimizer Project?

Rik van Riel (
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 16:59:33 +0100 (CET)

On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, Eric Princen wrote:

[SNIP wants to implement a daemon that auto-tunes the stuff
in /proc/sys/*]

> source, Luke... I'm also pretty good with Documentation/)

Try Documentation/sysctl/*, it might actually contain
something useful.

As for the usefulness of the whole project, most Linux
subsystems are using sane defaults that work for
everybody, especially for people who just migrated from
Windows... :))

More 'advanced' sysadmins with rediculously heavily loaded
machines will probably find their way to the documentation

The main problem with your plan is that there is no easy
and ubiquitous way to measure system performance in a
non-intrusive way. What kind of feedback do you want to
feed your system tuning daemon?

Rik -- slowly getting used to dvorak kbd layout...
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