[PATCH *] scheduler bigpatch v3

Rik van Riel (H.H.vanRiel@phys.uu.nl)
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 13:20:13 +0200 (CEST)


I've just completed testing the scheduler bigpatch and
have found it stable enough to re-announce it and hope
for loads of beta testers.

The patch introduces a new scheduling class, SCHED_IDLE,
and makes realtime tasks schedule better.

One of the tests I just did was running 200 (!) cpu
eating loops with SCHED_IDLE priority and then play
a quicktime animation with normal priority. It
worked like a charm and there wasn't even any added
scheduling overhead :)

So come on over and grab the patch from my home page.
It's safe now -- really...

| Linux memory management tour guide. H.H.vanRiel@phys.uu.nl |
| Scouting Vries cubscout leader. http://www.phys.uu.nl/~riel/ |

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