Re: Dynamic IP hack (PR#294)

Riley Williams (
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 21:50:28 +0100 (GMT)

Hi Meelis.

>> Would your customers be unhappy if you installed a firewall? If
>> not, then it's very simple to get hold of MILLIONS of addresses
>> for static IP purposes, as has been stated at least twice
>> before...

> IP masq != firewall in a strict sense.

True, but as the same software's used to control both under Linux 2.0
kernels, there's not a great deal to differentiate them from a
practical point of view...

> With NAT, your clients can not use many protocols that they could
> use otherwise. Still, for most clients it's ok. ICQ w/incoming
> calls is the only one I've had problems with in such setup ;-)

There's one other I've come across, namely net2phone. However, whilst
they're not directly supporting masquerading, they have programmed a
work-around to deal with it - net2phone can be set up to use specific
port numbers, rather than the standard "random free port" system now,
since I've notified them of the problem...

Incidentally, I met it when setting up Linux as an IP Masq firewall to
a network of Win95 and Win98 systems...net2phone is not available in
Linux versions, and they don't currently plan to support Linux either,

Best wishes from Riley.

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