Re: Tiny patch: nice 20 as idle priority

Rik van Riel (
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 18:09:57 +0200 (CEST)

On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, Ian Wehrman wrote:

> just out of curiosity, does your multiple-queue scheme have a
> snowball's chance in hell of making it into 2.2? or is this a
> strictly 2.3 development issue?

It's exactly the same as Richard's system. Calling it
multiple-queue is a bit far-fetched, since the system
only has two runqueues, one for RT processes and one
for other processes.

My patch keeps Richard's structure (copied verbatim:)
and adds a feature of my own and the SCHED_IDLE
scheduling class, which was written from the ground
up in about half an hour today ;)

Linus liked Richard's idea, so that part might actually
get in some time. The probability of it happening right
now are pretty slim however, so I guess I'll just keep
updating the patch for every 2.2 kernel version to come.

For folks who missed the start of this thread, you can
get the patch + info from my home page.


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