Re: Cyrix Detection -- NO SMP, please ?????
20 Oct 1998 10:32:42 +0200

Gregory Maxwell <> writes:

> We're talking about stupid distribution issues.

Oh, and here I thought this list was for discussing stupid *kernel*
issues. :-)

> I said that most dists should ship with PPRO optimized kernels

Are we talking CONFIG-option, -mcpu= or -march=, btw?

> (they work on 486+ cpus)..

So is there any significant benefit? Most of my systems seem to spend a
couple of percent of their time in the kernel, even a 100% speed
improvement would hardly be noticable. Considering that you risk
exposing yourself to strange compiler bugs and other quirks, in addition
to support issues with multiple kernels (alternatively losing customers,
I know I prefer having the same distribution on both network boxes and
my desktop if I can help it), I hardly think it'd be worth it.


If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

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