Re: 2.1.125: Locks when running out of ISA DMA buffers ?
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 08:03:12 +0200 (CEST)

Alan Cox:

> > So - is anyone else having problems with ISA DMA cards in 2.1.125 ?
> No but the Z85230 driver which has similar properties in its DMA use always
> has a bounce buffer handy, as does every other driver I know. They grab
> a bounce buffer at set up time and hold onto it

Roger Wolff corrected me on this one as well. He wrote the driver, so
he knows better than I:

Roger>For transmit buffers, there is also an escape route. It will use the
Roger>one emergency buffer allocated at ifconfig-up time as a jump-buffer.
Roger>If no below-16M buffers can be found, it will use this one, and again
Roger>the driver will become single threaded. But as far as I can see, it
Roger>should only suffer a bit in the performance region, it should not
Roger>be possible to lock the machine.

So I think the driver is already doing this.

Henrik Storner  |  "testing? What's that? If it compiles, it is good, 
                |   if it boots up it is perfect."
                |                                    Linus Torvalds

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