hardware pipe-dream

RHS Linux User (humbubba@raptor.cqi.com)
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 15:48:55 -0400 (EDT)

I had a mailserver with up to 40 subscribers a while back to discuss
my pipe-dream for a from-scratch Forth box. An outtake from that
discussion is on my page at


F.I.R.E. stands for "Individual's Recursively Forth Environment."
Some of the ideas from FIRE pertain to Linux, such as the membership
model for compensation. This arises because Forth is open-source at
the virtual machine level.

Hardware ideas that may be of interest;
static main RAM.
Local cluster topology, i.e. stackable small boxes, each with a power
supply ( somewhat like the Netwinder, but with an edge-connector
"chain" instead of ethernet )
ZIPI music protocol, ( MIDI follow-on suitable for the quantity of
input data generated by a guitar )
DMA-tasking. Switching CPUs on a task switch. (silicon Forth engines
are tiny)

Totally nuts, of course. Another hardware idea that might be more
achievable and more insidious is to get a Linux onto a "video card"
with 16 meg of static "video RAM == Linux main memory".


Rick Hohensee http://cqi.com/~humbubba
colorg on EFnet IRC #linux chanop
cLIeNUX xart kandinski cycluphonics ratioles Md., USA
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