Re: pre-2.1.126-2 sd.c does not build as module

Alan Cox (
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 21:04:34 +0100 (BST)

> would guess there are more laptops than 386's running linux. Maybe it's
> time the developers got a clue.
> acl is not part of the kernel tree either :)

It gets broken by not being part of the tree. When I build and test things
like ac1 I build 2 or 3 kernel sets with different options and I make modules
of everything I dont posess to at least see it compiles - and people still find
things that got missed. Trying to second guess multiple versions of an
independant package is something I don't have time for.

This is precisely why the 'lets split the kernel into ..' argument doesn't get
very far either


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