Re: 2.2 missing features

Jauder Ho (
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 14:59:21 -0700 (PDT)

maybe there should be point releases of devel kernels (i.e. known mostly
stable kernels that companies can port to with the knowledge that it's
going to be relatively stable) this would be good as it makes a smaller
delta to have to catch up with and requires you to store less info in your
head :) for example, we determined that .29, .62, .86 and .106 were
"good/stable" kernels and .125 is currently being tested to see if it is a
good candidate for use.


On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Alan Cox wrote:

> > In future it would be useful to adopt a policy to never accept changes for
> > 2.0 unless 2.1 has the equivalent bug fix/change
> Unfortunately this is completely impractical. 2.1.x is frequently not stable
> enough for some people to work on. Drivers are done 2.0.x first by most
> commercial oriented bodies and many users, all the network stack improvements
> for amateur radio where done 2.0.x first and ported into 2.1.x at the end
> of things after the updates had been available for 2.0.x for a year or so.
> I'm trying to keep 2.0.x change histories to avoid this kind of problem as well
> as the notes for each applied patch in .34/.35/.36. I've got 400 or so pieces
> of saved diffs and notes to hand from this
> -
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