Re: WINMODEM driver

Daniel Berlin (
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 14:43:53 -0400 (EDT)

No drivers exist right now.
Depends on how they really work.
What happens is that the vxd driver in windows contains dsp programming
code, as well as dsp code embedded in it, and flashes the modem on every
startup of windows. As far as i can tell, once it does that, it's a normal
modem or has another driver faking a modem to windows, or uses UniModem
or something like that. If you replace the "rom" in the vxd with the "rom"
code from another winmodem, you magically now have that other winmodem
(working fine and all).
Pardon my mixture of the incompatible terms dsp and flash rom.
I honestly don't remember if it's actually programming a dsp, or if the
dsp is already programmed, and it's just programming flash.
I gave up switching the terms around while writing the email, so i think
the sentences may be a bit confusing above.
See, i don't know if the dsp/flash retains the code over a reboot/power
down or not.
And whether it acts like a real modem inside windows, without any extra
if it doesn't, then the winmodem also must have some weird interface (most
likely some other driver faking a com port using a winmodem IF->comm port
shim, or a UniModem interface, or something else).
I've been toying with the idea of moving to a country where reverse
engineering isn't illegal, and disassembling it all, and seeing what is
going on. But i can't because i have to study for calculus.
If it isn't a real modem, and uses some weird com port/<insert your
favorite windows modem interface> shim, and ms had a hand in it, i might
be able to track down the guys responsible for that interface, and talk
with them (I work for MS Research part time, but people in some groups
rarely respond to emails from anyone. e.g. The Visual C++ group. Any
ignorant flaming people will be ignored, as i have better things to do.).
Only problem in that case is my NDA, but i'm sure i could produce a black
box or two that would help.
As you can see, i've only really tried to figure out half the problem.
I can most likely get the thing programmed if someone else can make it

On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, christophe leroy wrote:

> Is there somewhere a driver for a internal Winmodem ISA card ?
> If not, does someone know where i can find technical informations to
> develope one ?
> christophe leroy
> -
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