Re: [patch] jiffies wraparound [Re: 2.1.125 Show stopper list: Draft]

Alan Cox (
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 00:50:16 +0100 (BST)

> It's a beauty wart, it's been there forever, and we know that machines
> actually tend to survive it fine. So far I have _one_ person who has

1.2 survives mostly, 2.0 survives mostly, 2.1.x doesnt survive

> I agree that there are probably drivers out there that get confused, and I
> agree it needs to get fixed eventually, but "show stopper"? Nope.


> > View from on high noted, want me to take it off the list ?
> Yup. But I don't mind it if somebody keeps a "warts" list around, in case
> people decide to fix it at a time when I will accept patches..

Except for the hard stuff Andrea has nailed pretty much all of them. I've
now been through each one I've put into the -ac diff and verified it by
brain and in each case I have the hardware by trying it during and out of
jiffy rollovers

I've put it down in the things to sort out properly for 2.3 section.


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